Let’s “InspireHer” Together: A New Journey of Empowerment and Impact

Dear PWA precious member,

We hope this message finds you reenergized and ready to embrace the opportunities that lie ahead after a well-deserved summer break. As the elected Board of the Professional Women’s Association (PWA) of Rome, we’re delighted to unveil an exciting new chapter that we’re co-creating with you!

Introducing InspireHer

Today, we introduce you to our theme for the upcoming year: InspireHer. It’s more than a theme; it’s an embodiment of your potential, aspirations, and the incredible opportunities that lie ahead.

INSPIREHER: Ignite, Nurture, Succeed, Progress, Innovate, Rise, Elevate, Honor, Empower, Reimagine

๐ŸŒŸย Ignite Your Potential: Get ready to ignite the dormant sparks of potential within you.
๐ŸŒŸย Nurture Your Growth: Allow us to nurture your growth with carefully curated experiences.
๐ŸŒŸย Succeed Together: We’re here to help you succeed and celebrate your achievements.
๐ŸŒŸย Progress Your Journey: Progress awaits you, hand in hand with PWA and InspireHer.
๐ŸŒŸย Innovate and Excel: Embrace innovation to excel beyond your wildest dreams.
๐ŸŒŸย Rise Above Challenges: Rise above challenges with our united support.
๐ŸŒŸย Elevate Your Voice: Elevate your voice, ideas, and presence in our vibrant community.
๐ŸŒŸย Honor Your Journey: Your journey is unique, and we honor it every step of the way.
๐ŸŒŸย Empower Each Other: Together, we empower each other to create lasting change.
๐ŸŒŸย Reimagine Possibilities: Reimagine the endless possibilities within and around you.

Mission and Vision of InspireHer

Our missionย is to provide you with a platform to thrive, connect, and elevate your journey.ย Our visionย is to create a community of inspired individuals driving positive change in their lives and the world.

Why InspireHer Matters to You?

PWA community CARES about you, so embracing InspireHer brings you:

โœจย Career Opportunities: Connect with mentors, industry leaders, and peers to unlock new career avenues.
โœจย Access Learning Development: Access conferences, networking conneXions, workshops, resources, and insights to fuel your personal and professional growth.
โœจย Revive Well-being: Prioritize your well-being through mindfulness and self-care activities.
โœจย Entrepreneurial Support: Unleash your entrepreneurial spirit and journey to explore new horizons.
โœจย Secure Limitless Opportunities: Experience unique opportunities that redefine what’s possible.


Renew Your Commitment

To embark on this transformative journey, we invite you to renew your membership. Your commitment fuels the flame of InspireHer.

Visit Membership Renewal to renew your membership or Join as a new member of the many inspiring PWA members and be part of InspireHer’s incredible impact.

Save the Date: InspireHer Launch at Bulgari Hotel Rome

We’re excited to invite you to the grand launch of InspireHer onย 13th September at the Bulgari Hotel, Rome. Thisย PWA ConneXionsย event, in collaboration withย Rome Future Week, promises inspiration, connections, and insights that set the stage for a phenomenal year ahead. We will also celebrate our many years of successful partnership withย WIN Global, 4Weeks4Inclusion, John Cabot University, Rome Business School,ย and our new partnership with the American University of Rome.

Your presence would make this meeting truly memorable. Look out for the official invitation, heading your way soon!

Let’s “InspireHer” Together!

With your enthusiasm and engagement, we’re poised to create a year filled with growth, empowerment, and boundless possibilities.

Here’s to a journey of inspiration, empowerment, and personal triumphs!

Warm regards,
PWA Board Members
Barbara, Catherine, Costanza, Gerlie, Maria Rita, Merila, Morgana, Sarah

P.S. Mark your calendar for 13th September at the Bulgari Hotel. We can’t wait to share the InspireHer journey with you. Get ready for an unforgettable year ahead!

PWA Board Members 2023-2025


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