Are you looking for a new kind of network in which you can spread your ideas and offer input – in person?
Do you want to meet like-minded people here in Rome who share your same interests? And will give you feedback to boot?
Do you want to meet like-minded people here in Rome who share your same interests? And will give you feedback to boot?
Interested in having a launch pad for your bright ideas, brand or start-up business with others there to witness the take-off?
If so, become an Associate Member of PWA Rome – Professional Women’s Association – together with over a hundred women professionals active in Rome, Italy and abroad.
If so, become an Associate Member of PWA Rome – Professional Women’s Association – together with over a hundred women professionals active in Rome, Italy and abroad.
If you’re a young student, a new graduate or a career woman under 30, join us at PWA – bring us your best self and help us all become better today than yesterday.
Young individual membership benefits include:
- eNewsletter
- Discounted Ticket to Connexions/Networking Events Value: $ 60 euros
- Complimentary Access to Conferences and Aperitivo afterwards Value: € 245 euros 7 conferences +aperitivos per year @ € 35 euros each.
- Discounted Ticket to Summer Party Value: € 15 euros
- Discounted Ticket to Christmas Annual Dinner Value: € 15 euros
- Access to Professional Development/Mentoring Value: € 150 euros
- Access to Professional Photography Value: 75 euros for profile shot
- Access to Expert Resources Directory
- Inclusion in our PWA Whatsapp group
- Participation in our Mentoring program
- Exclusive invitations to Special PWA member only events
- Contribution to PWA’s annual donations to a chosen women-related charity
Total Value: € 560 euros
Membership fees
New young members: 100 euro
Renewal young members: 100 euro
Renewal young members: 100 euro
2 steps to join us and we can lead your way to becoming part of PWA!
Step 1: Fill out the application form