“Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart.” ~~Seneca 

Dear PWA Members, Partners, and friends,

Personally, since March I have had renewed gratitude for health, family, and friends. I sincerely hope you are all well and that you and your families are healthy and safe. This will be a different Christmas but we don’t want to give up spreading a message of solidarity and hope! We can all dream and imagine the world with the hope of being able to return to sane normality which is also new but is serene and safe, PWA celebrated Christmas by donating to Rome’s Spallanzani Hospital.

It has been a challenging year for all of us, strategically and operationally, physically and emotionally. And yet we have persevered, we have reinvented ourselves, and we have strengthened our missions and our cultures. We have stayed focused. With gratitude, we have transformed ourselves!

The Professional Women’s Association has always been a spokesperson for the importance of the role of women in society, rewarding both diversity and sustainability, and believes that now more than ever – following the epidemiological emergency Covid-19 – the social, cultural restart economy of our country depends on the enhancement of women in the world of work.

Hence, we are striving towards excellence, making a positive impact on society through service. We are honored to be invited to collaborate closely with the Sherpa G7-G20 Presidenza del Consiglio to ensure that the gender considerations are mainstreamed into G20 discussions and translate into the G20 Leaders’ Declaration as policies and commitments that foster gender equality and women’s economic empowerment.

In order to strengthen our commitment to the empowerment of women, the PWA has formed deep-rooted partnerships with a number of other dynamic educational institutions such as Rome Business School, John Cabot University, and Challenge Networks through our efforts to grant business education and professional development opportunities to our members.

Thank you for your unceasing commitment and trust. Here’s wishing you the best and only the best for 2021!

With warm personal regards,
Gerlie Saura

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