“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor and some style.”
— Maya Angelou

Dear PWA Members, Partners, and Friends,

PWA recognizes and understands the challenges facing our members, and we are working tirelessly on your behalf. Our theme for 2020 – 2021 is Thriving Through Transformation.

What does it mean to Thrive? It means to thrive beyond the current circumstances. Thrive beyond tradition, beyond your upbringing, and beyond limiting beliefs. For me and my team it means to thrive beyond the challenges of today with a vision that ensures that the PWA remains strong and that our members stay informed, inspired, connected, and engaged.

While everyone is facing unprecedented challenges, women are bearing the brunt of the economic and social fallout of COVID-19.  It is true that we’re not all in the same boat, but we’re in the same storm. Now, a lot of us have woken up to the question, how do I navigate this change?

  1. Sustain your support system –While you’re considering who you might want to include in your support system, it’s also important to think about who you shouldn’t include. Just be sure that you always have someone you can count on to help support you and hold you up as you navigate the various paths you’ll face in life. PWA is here for you,  for our members, partners, and supporters. We will continue focusing on our mission of providing unparalleled support for our members and to strengthen our virtual business networking ConneXion, eConferences, special projects such as BOLD Leadership & Career Advancement Program, and Linking Woman Minds Across Culture.
  2. Grow your professional network – We need the power of our community to know we are not alone in our experiences, learn from shared wisdom, and find a renewed sense of purpose and commitment to our profession. You don’t have a powerful professional network? JOIN PWA!– we have a more than a 25-year track record of making a difference. We created a space for empowering women networking, inspiring leaders to think innovatively, do business, and encourage lifelong learning.
  1. Learn to adapt – Adaptability is surely one of those essential skills for the future. We shall adjust and adapt to this reality in order to navigate successfully. Guided with our mission to serve you the best way, the Board is currently undergoing leadership team building facilitated by Elena Chopin — Psychologist, Executive Coach, who teaches applied psychology and leadership development in Corporate Universities and Business Schools such as INSEAD, IMD, CEDEP, EDHEC, and Air-bus Group Leadership University. PWA believes that women have a unique opportunity to lead this long-overdue transformation.

While circumstances might dictate that we adjust some of our processes over the next year, PWA’s purpose remains the same – to be the voice for women in the professional community across all industries.

For me and for so many people Maya Angelou is a symbol of resilience, the capacity to persist with passion, compassion, humor and style in the face of hardship and adversity.

I believe together, we will tackle this challenge whatever the future may bring, and ensure not only that PWA will get through this, but will thrive!

Thank you for your continued support, I wish you well.
Gerlie Saura

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