John Cabot University 2-Day Workshop

Develop the marketing skills of the future: how to create and viralize promotional videos on Youtube, Facebook, Snapchat & Vine.

With Andrea Febbraio, Co.Founder Teads (formerly E-Buzzing)



Friday, October 16 and Saturday, October 17, from 9.00am to 6.00pm, at John Cabot University in Rome.

Workshop Description

As part of JCU’s and IFE’s commitment to innovation and to the development of practical skills that can be applied in the job market, we are offering an opportunity to learn the latest promotional technique: branded video advertising. Traditional TV advertising has long run into viewer saturation; initiated by the creation of the remote control and later exponentially magnified by the advent of new media, viewers are increasingly gaining control over what they watch, leaving advertisers to fight a losing battle for eye-ball attention.

Branded video content turns advertising on its head: these are videos that viewers want to watch and, even more importantly, want to share with their friends. One of the best examples of branded video content is the Evian Live Young campaign, created and viralized by Teads Labs.

Andrea Febbraio, Co-Founder of Teads, will show students how to become masters of Video Advertising, discovering the most advance seeding tactics and tools to produce a branded video content and make it viral in the Social Web. They will be introduced to the “10-Commandments-Of-Video-Advertising”, first presented at Cannes Advertising Festival in 2012 and since then improved with cutting edge research.

It will be a very hands-on workshop: students will be asked to create and viralize branded video content for some of the most famous global brands. The workshop will cover not only Youtube but also new platforms such as Vine , Snapchat and Hyperlapse, as well as Affectiva, Teads’ own proprietary technology developed with MIT to detect and predict emotion through facial recognition.

Learning Outcomes

99% of content on Youtube never gets more than 1.000 views, only 0.01% of videos break the 1M threshold. In only 2 days, students will learn how to produce branded video content and make it viral in the Social Web.

At the end of the workshop participants will:

  • Learn the tricks to make videos viral

  • Become Youtube/Vine Stars

  • Become Snapchat Ninjas

  • Learn how to create branded content

  • Learn how to gain Instagram fame

To view the full program, click here.

Note: At the end of the workshop, attendees will receive a Certificate of Participation.

Who May Participate

Enrolment is open to students and professionals wishing to enhance the range of their transferrable skills. The workshop is particularly suited for:

  • Students who want to enhance their competitiveness on the job market

  • Young entrepreneurs who may not be able to afford the services of professionals

  • Small business owners looking for new ways of promoting their goods or services


  • The workshop will be conducted in English; participants must have a level of English of C1 or higher.

  • Participants will need a smartphone, either Android or iOS. (Applications will be downloaded during the workshop)

Program Cost

  • The full fee has been kept at €80 for the two-day program.

  • Discounted fee for JCU students and Alumni graduated in 2014 and 2015: €50.

How to Apply

Please note that there is limited capacity. Priority will be given to applicants who apply early.

Please fill out the application and email it to by September 30th

along with the payment receipt.

Information About Andrea Febbraio & Teads

Andrea Febbraio is the Co-founder at Ebuzzing (now Teads). Author, speaker and professor he has more than ten years of experience in the digital advertising industry. In 2007 he founded Promodigital, leader in the Italian market for buzz marketing. Forerunner of events of viral and online advertising videos, he published two best sellers titled: Viral Video and Buzz Marketing into Social Media. Furthermore, he established himself as international speaker for Cannes Film Festival, London iStrategy a Colonia DMEXCO.

Teads invented outstream advertising, which carves out brand new video inventory by placing video advertisements outside of the traditional video stream. They developed the industry’s most advanced video SSP (Supply Side Platform), allowing premium publishers to manage their extensive video advertising inventory, monetize their sites using instream and outstream advertising, and optimize revenues and placement fill-rates thanks to yield management features. Teads’ partners are among the world’s most respected publishers, including The Financial Times, Reuters, Slate, Conde Nast, Heart, The Guardian, Nikkei, Die Welt, Le Monde and many more.

For a detailed biography click here.

For more information or questions, please contact The University reserves the right to cancel the workshop should a minimum number of applicants not be reached.


Fall 2015 Workshop Application.pdf

marketing skills, John Cabot University, marketing
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