MAY CONFERENCE: Increase Your Power and Influence

Stand in your power, learn to feel comfortable in it. This was the advice Maria Banks, founder of Strada Innovation and one of the 12 associates and facilitators of Her Invitation, gave the May conference audience.

She showed research on how women usually feel uncomfortable in powerful positions and tend to “give away” their power by putting themselves in support roles, waiting to be recognized and being easily quietened.

Maria does workshops together with the other Her Invitation facilitators and sees the change that happens to women during the workshops: many of them start taking themselves more seriously, by putting themselves first and even achieving promotions and pay rises thanks to the change in their attitude. She encourages all of us to challenge ourselves and take part in her seminars. For more information you can contact Maria at or visit her website


A sought-after speaker, Maria has taken to the stage in the UK & Europe talking about her passion for changing the landscape for women especially in the workplace. She has addressed many women both in person and through social media. Her humour and engaging style cut across men and women in all sectors as she reveals how women all too often stand in the way of their own success, the secrets of moving upwards in a business world created by men. Her natural charm and affinity with women means she is an entertaining but also enlightening speaker.

Maria speaks on topics to do with how women hold themselves back by giving away their power and how she believes they can take that power right back again.


An instinctive coach with over 12 years in the business, she has developed a reputation of a leading coach for women. She has worked with women across the globe to support them in reaching their professional and self-development goals.

Maria’s style is extremely personable, inspiring, and motivating. Her clients change and grow beautifully with her support and sculpt their careers and skills to a much higher level. Her work takes her all over the world, most notably Europe, although many of her clients are closer to home.


Maria comes from an Italian family born in the UK.
She is fluent in both the Italian culture and language and recently moved to Naples in Italy. Within 30 mins. from the airport, Maria now commutes to the UK on a regular basis.
Married to husband Andrew, with two grown-up sons, Pietro living in Melbourne, Australia and Nic who lives in London.