Yesterday marked a historic moment as the Honorable President of Italy Sergio Mattarella warmly welcomed a delegation from the ‘Women’s Economic Forum’ (WEF), featuring our esteemed PWA President, Gerlie Saura, and current Country Chair of Italy WEF G100 for Education & Employment.

Under the compelling theme ‘Empowering Change: Promoting gender equality, prosperity, and sustainable impact,’ the event concluded with a gracious reception hosted by President Mattarella at the Quirinale.

Addressing the urgent issue of violence against women, President Mattarella described it as ‘a vile and sadly current phenomenon.’ He emphasized the importance of gender equality, recognizing it as a challenging yet crucial path that must be prioritized in both Italian and European strategies. Gender equality stands as a key objective of the PNRR, intricately linked with the daily commitment and struggles of women. ‘The challenges of the world need the energies of women,’ he concluded.

The ‘Women’s Economic Forum,’ founded by the visionary  Dr. Harbeen Arora Rai, served as a dynamic platform for sharing and discussing the current challenges faced by women in the global economy. The convention brought together the G100 leaders‘ network WEF Italy led by the Honorary President Laura Matarella and powered by Musadoc President Marilena Francese and Sharon Cittone. The global meeting in Rome unites influential figures from institutions, companies, and universities worldwide hosted by LUISS University with special thanks to Prof. Paola Severino for her exceptional leadership.

We are glad that the PWA was strongly represented by our distinguished members Gladys H. Morales, Cristina Di Silvio, Luisa Sacco, and Elena Palloni. Let’s persist in championing the cause of gender equality, working together to strive towards a more inclusive and empowered future!

Let’s persist in championing the cause of gender equality, working together to strive towards a more inclusive and empowered future!


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