Rome Business School partners with PWA

Rome Business School has renewed its partnership with the PWA – Professional Women’s Association of Rome. As one of the most international Italian institutions, Rome Business School (RBS) is proud to continue to work with PWA exchanging information and expertise, both committed to working toward a common objective of performance excellence.

Rome Business School offers Masters, MBAs, and Executive Education training programs, and is also now a member of Planeta Formación y Universidades, an international network created by De Agostini and group Planeta combining diverse teaching and learning methods to respond to the various growing worldwide educational needs. More than 100,00 students of over 140 nationalities are connected to talent and knowledge through open, flexible, and useful learning models.

Planeta Formación y Universidades operates among its different commercial groups from publishing, communication, and entertainment, and is loyal to a set of high business values. A leading and enterprising spirit which aims at combining tradition with the latest technologies, with the ambition to deliver to global communities.

With an eye always projected toward the future, Rome Business School, in collaboration with PWA, is committed to supporting and promoting the interests of professional women of different nationalities, from diverse cultural backgrounds and environments. Together, both Rome Business School and PWA believe in sharing information, ideas, and resources to create mutual opportunities always with respect, ethics, and a sense of social responsibility.

In such an ever-changing world our personal experience is essential to growing our confidence in pursuing objectives and achieving goals. Sharing one’s experience with others can only be motivational by offering different solutions and perspectives.

Women are at the center of all the activities organized by Rome Business School in collaboration with the PWA. Women who understand their passions and strive to transform them into a profession have decided to explore and live in another country embracing multicultural diversity as a means of continuous improvement.

PWA’s members together with their family members will be granted RBS programs each semester 20% discount on all of its courses, including Masters and MBA programs.

Executive Women Scholarship – Rome Business School strives to increase and promote the ratio of women in executive positions and increase gender equality in the workplace. Executive Women in Business Grant, which aims to strengthen students’ ability to realize their executive potential, leadership capacity, and professional aspirations. Executive Women Grant applicants are required only to submit a CV upon declaration to apply to mention their membership with PWA.

RBS will also grant one PWA member/friend a full scholarship to participate in short corporate training courses each semester. This person will be selected in an agreement between RBS and PWA.

Hard work, a clear vision, and commitment are essential for accomplishing challenging goals, this would not be complete if not accompanied by recognition and celebration of success. Contributing with a personal and unique touch makes the difference, it distinguishes what our company stands for, its value as a brand.

Rome Business School’s partnership with PWA will provide visibility to the association through some of the Rome Business School’s branding, publishing, and social media activities. Dedicated space will be given to continuously highlight the association’s initiatives and events as well as share information and news about the business and its team.

We are honored to pursue this partnership with PWA, said Prof. Antonio Ragusa – Dean & Founder of the Rome Business School.

The collaboration between Rome Business School and PWA wants to support women from various professions at different levels, promoting innovation and developing new future businesses and networking opportunities.  A unique chance not only to establish the two brands but to demonstrate to our students and future professionals that with the right effort and dedication anything is possible and that there are no obstacles between you and your goals

PWA in collaboration with Rome Business School will organize seminars, conferences, internships, and company visits as well as Professional Shadowing programs where students will be able to stand by a professional for an entire day, a chance to see how she operates, and perform her daily activities at work.

Rome Business School

Your support to PWA is a commitment to support and empower women from various professions at different levels.
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