The new PWA Rome Website


Dear PWA Members and Friends,

I am delighted to inaugurate and present you the new website of The Professional Women’s Association of Rome.

What is new – what is different? At a glance, you will notice that the new website is completely different, both in content and in layout.

We have simplified the main menù to make your navigation easier. The layout is a responsive one that adapts to the size of any screen, whether you are navigating on a PC, smartphone or tablet.

Other big changes are the possibility to sign up and pay for events and membership fees through the website. Soon there will also be a member log-in feature that will allow members to keep their data safe. In the “back office” of the website, a very powerful database is running, managing Resources, Contacts, Memberships, Events, Contributions, Newsletters, Reports and much more.

In the NEWS-Section you will find recent communications from PWA and our prestigious partners. Stay tuned for the latest! I am convinced you will enjoy the great features of our new website. For any remarks or suggestions, please write to

Valerie Baxter, PWA President 2015/16

new PWARome website
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