Time Out


PWA is pleased to launch the latest project, TimeOut, to be carried out in collaboration with Federprofessional. It is a way to exchange our professional competences and abilities one with another and not to exchange money.

Here are the main concepts.


  • ASSET We are all assets. We all have something to give
  • RESPECT Every human being matters and needs help to empower oneself
  • REDEFINING WORK Any professional profile needs to be honoured, recorded and rewarded
  • RECIPROCITY How can we help each other build the world we all will live in?
  • SOCIAL NETWORKS We need to reweave communities of support, strength and trust

Key points

  • A way of giving and receiving services for mutual benefit within an association / community.
  • Any member makes available her/his professional competences and abilities to others.
  • One hour helping another earns one TimeBank Hour, also called time credit, as per the pay-it-forward policy.
  • The time credit can be spent with any other member offering a service of interest.

For more information contact specialprojects@pwarome.org

Time out, Federprofessional
Articolo precedente
Scholarship winners 2015-16
Articolo successivo
The new PWA Rome Website

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