She believes that it is fundamental for professional women to be part of a network to share problems, experiences, and models. She also strongly believes that it is fundamental to show to the new generations that women can have also a ‘vertical’ career and have the ability to manage a team or an organization. Too many women now can say that they were the first or the only ones in the job. An equal gender mix at any stage should be normal in any working place. So it is very important for PWA role models promotion.
Barbara Pepponi is a STEM graduate and qualified Actuary, Barbara has always worked in the Insurance sector. She started her career in a multinational consulting firm, where she had the opportunity to work and live in Uk, Spain, and France. After an experience in a start-up operation for a British insurer, she joined a French insurance company where she is Technical Director, managing a team of about 130 people + 30 robots ( she has a knack for automation and AI applications ) and a member of the Executive Committee.
Barbara joined PWA more than three years ago. She believes that it is fundamental for professional women to be part of a network to share problems, experiences, and models. She also strongly believes that it is fundamental to show the new generations that women can have also a ‘vertical’ career and have the ability to manage a team or an organization. Too many women now can say that they were the first or the only ones in the job. An equal gender mix at any stage should be normal in any working place. So it is very important for PWA role models promotion.
Having always worked for international companies, Barbara considers it very enriching to be part of an association where professions, nationalities, and backgrounds are so mixed and different. She would like to give her contribution to strengthening networking and maintaining the quality standards set by her predecessors.
“Work hard, play hard” is a motto that applies to her management philosophy. Barbara regularly organizes meetings and events with her team to share goals, and activities and get to know each other better.
She enjoys organizing social activities and would like to facilitate and contribute to creating new opportunities for PWA’s development and networking activities.