It is impossible not to get excited listening to Cecilia while she talks of her adventures all over the world and spells out her uncountable life passions. From art to science, from tango to culinary joys in the Roman scene, she enjoys life to its fullest. And as an incorrigible curious, she shoots as many questions as the interlocutor is able to answer, while unravelling who she truly is.

Cecilia Bersani is a true Roman, born as number six to a large family of nine children. She spent a happy childhood in the centre of Rome, surrounded by her close and numerous relatives and lots of art, as her patriarch dad was a collectionist. Ever since little, she has adored renaissance paintings, School of Athens by Raffaello being one of her favourites. “I do have a soft spot for Picasso, though, and can stare in awe at his peculiar, colourful masterpieces for hours”, Cecilia admits.

After graduating from the historical Liceo Classico Virgilio, Cecilia obtained a degree in science from La Sapienza. Her great passion since childhood has been genetics and still today she continues to feed her curiosity by reading and studying scientific journals as well as online articles. Since it was not easy to find a stable job in the scientific field, Cecilia ended up in IT, working for years at several multinational companies, such as IBM, and currently for Cybertech, as Business Development Manager on commercial projects regarding cyber-security. Although she is fascinated by the unlimited opportunities that cyber-technology offers, her true interests are elsewhere, in human sciences. She has practised as nutrionist for years and truly excels in helping people feel better with a balanced and healthy diet.

Cecilia has a 27-year-old son, Jacopo Maria, who is her pride and joy. Graduated from Bocconi, he works in Milan, in the marketing department of Peugeot. They meet monthly, either in Rome or up in Milan, where Cecilia likes to visit and explore museums, restaurants and clubs.

Woman of plentiful interests, Cecilia used to also work as a tourist guide, accompanying Italian groups to Spain, France and Portugal, as well as showing them the wonders of her beloved Caput Mundi. She enjoys exploring new cultures and has brought many memories, ideas and life-lessons as souvenirs back to her Roman life. As a teen-ager, she interrailed Europe all the way up to Scandinavia and has visited every continent except for Oceania. Dancing is another one of her passions, in particular Tango, found while traveling in Argentina. She competes at national level with her dance partner and is always ready to hit the dance floor, on weekends and in vacation. Her favourite place so far is Nepal where she spent two weeks last year. “It was an opportunity to cultivate my spiritual growth as well as experience a culturally diverse nation”, Cecilia recounts fondly her itinerant trip. As future destinations she would like to visit Armenia, Georgia and other fascinating, historical Eastern countries.

Cecilia’s future dream is to buy a beautiful apartment in the historical centre of Rome – a change of scenery from current Battistini-area – and find a partner who truly understands and supports her. She loves food and is gluttonous, especially of good wine and heavenly desserts. Her favourite dessert is millefoglie con crema pasticcera, a fragrant puff pastry with custard cream, but any kind of cake will caress her sweet tooth. Her large family of siblings, nieces and nephews still gathers together almost every Sunday to her mom’s house to enjoy a tasty, wholesome meal together. And dessert, naturally!

Cecilia is a Catholic and practises her faith predominantly by “aiming always to do good and treat others well”. She loves to listen and, as a curious soul, explore fascinating stories other people tell her. She is also involved in politics and likes to get her hands dirty, especially under elections, by helping left-wing parties in their campaigning. But when it is time to relax, nothing sooths her soul more than gazing at the Mediterranean clear blue coastline and listening to the sound of the waves while they gently rock her on a sailing boat.

PWA came to Cecilia’s life three years ago through a friend who was not a member but frequented PWA events and persuaded Cecilia to come along. She immediately felt at home with her peers, strongly motivated women with grounded values. After two years as Sponsorship Director, Cecilia is now candidate for the position of Social Director. “I love people and thrive in environments where women are empowering each other and sharing their passions and knowledge. I’d love to give my contribution by organizing ConneXions and parties next year”, Cecilia says. She is also of the opinion that today’s crippled societies can raise up and improve only if women are in charge. That is why she will always continue to promote other women and be an advocate for gender parity. Anywhere her paths will lead.

by Hanna Suni, Newsletter Editor and Marketing Consultant

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