Ou partner JCU Institute for Entrepreneurship is proud to support Alumna Shaza Saker’s initiative to give Syrian refugees a concrete path to economic independence and help them regain their dignity through Hummustown, a catering activity that provides jobs and preserves cultural heritage.

Hummustown helps refugees in Rome gain economic independence by providing them with a dignified income generating job opportunity: to cook, package and deliver delicious Syrian food around Rome.

To expand the project and help even more refugees, they have an ambitious plan to raise money to acquire a project headquarters featuring an industrial kitchen, office space, meeting room and front of house reception for direct orders, as a formal and dignified workplace for the Hummustown team.

They are also raising funds to cover the operating costs of the project for 12 months to allow this social enterprise to stand on its feet.

Currently the Hummustown team work in the “donated” private kitchens of the project’s patrons and depend on charitable donations for operating costs.

As many of you know, fundraising is done one Euro at a time, and even the smallest donations help reach the goal.

You could help in three important ways:

1)      by donating money using GofundMe 

2)      by including By including Hummustown as an option for your catering needs, and

3)      by sharing this information with your network.


Thank You!

Hummustown Website

Hummustown on Facebook