Speed Networking ConneXion

Speed Networking event – February 7th, 2024 at 18.30
Hotel Barberini, Via Rasella, 3, 00187 Roma

For this special Connexion, PWA has organized a Speed dating for professionals in partnership with Rome Future Days.
A great opportunity to share among professionals highlights of who you are, what you do and what you need.

Speed networking is a structured and fast paced networking event allowing participants to interact with others, in a series of brief one-on-one information exchanges.

With so many new members and guests interested in PWA, the event will be a great occasion to meet inspiring women from various professional fields, including today’s entrepreneurs, managers, and industry leaders.

Prepare your elevator speech and get ready to meet as many professionals as possible.

Don’t miss the opportunity!
Network and enjoy our Networking aperitif with a panoramic view at Rooftop Spritzeria Barberini.

Limited seats are available. Confirmation is on a first-come-first-served basis.

Members: 25€
Non-Members: 30€

Kindly note that space is limited and participation is by prepayment only.

Pay now through Bank Transfer (preferred paying method) and send the payment confirmation to treasurer@pwarome.org

PWA – Professional Women’s Association IBAN: IT51B 02008 05172 000101928188 BIC SWIFT: UNCRITM1B62

Members pay here

Non-Members pay here

(please add 1€ covering part of the processing fee)