SEPTEMBER CONFERENCE: Beware of the Unconscious Robot. CREATIVITY: think through your Fingers

“Not all prisons have bars: there are many that are less obvious, from which it is difficult to escape, because we do not know we’re prisoners. Those are the prisons of our automation which inhibit imagination, the source of creativity.“

Today’s reality can be described as complex and adaptive. Hence we become jugglers, trapped into standardized manners, acting in automatic mode and relying almost exclusively on an internal GPS fixed on an old familiar route, in the hopes of gaining efficiency and saving time.

In our steadfastness, we end up losing our flexibility and our capability to deal with those small unexpected events that are typical of a fast and furious lifestyle. By infusing our lives with Creativity, we can get off the  hamster wheel and truly start living.

About our Speaker

Simona Orlandi 

orlandiBorn in Milan, Simona Orlandi’s professional background is about big companies and multinationals, growing over a period of 20 years in marketing intelligence ― meaning, marketing research & analysis and insight generation. Leading large teams, she quickly discovered that her true, deep passion was embedded in people development and support. So she undertook a parallel and very personal learning and training process to become a certified business trainer and  life coach.

Simona recently launched her own business, SAM Insight_to_go with the ambition of combining the talent and techniques stemming from extensive experience in marketing intelligence and insight generation with her newly acquired skills and principles typical of coaching and training.

Dividing her professional activity between coaching, training and consultancy in marketing intelligence, she has expanded her skills as a certified facilitator of LSP-Lego Serious Play®. She is now applying this methodology to different kinds of workshops and team building.

A native of Parma, Simona moved to Rome in 2003, and now lives in Tuscia (VT). She enjoys being part of Connectance, a professional network of coaches and trainers specialised in experiential training and emotional intelligence. She is convinced that PWA is the right place to exchange even more experiences and competencies.
