PWA Conference – “Sustainable Electric Mobility”

Hotel Savoy
Via Ludovisi, 15, 00187 Roma RM
Wednesday, October 18th, 2023 at 6.30 PM

PWA presents a series of initiatives during the year on topics supporting and educating women professionally. PWA provides a “friendly forum” for professionals, especially for women who want to expand their world for personal and professional growth.

For the month of October the conference topic will be: “Sustainable Electric Mobility” Can they co-exist?

Mobility is a central factor in the effort to fight climate change: it contributes to almost a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions. And its share is still rising. With the increasing number of electric cars, hybrids, e-bikes and other electric means of transportation many are concerned about how this will impact the climate and environment. Europe leads not only in green and green-digital innovation but also in innovation overall. By the year 2030, the EU will become second in demand for batteries worldwide yet increasing the number of new batteries doesn’t seem a sustainable option.

By avoiding unnecessary motorized travel, shifting to more environmentally sound mobility modes, and improving the overall efficiency of the transport system, we can all do our part but is it enough?


Opening Speech: Gerlie Saura, President PWA
Moderator: Catherine Tondelli, VP & Programming Director PWA

Panel presentations:
Gabriella Favuzza
Andrea Cardinali
Simona Rossano
Moderated Q&A Session

Please find the speaker’s information along with the registration link below.


Gabriella Favuzza
Head of Future Mobility & Public Affairs at Renault Italia S.p.A

Gabriella is currently, Head of Future Mobility & Public Affairs Manager at Renault Italia.

For over 10 years, she has been engaged in environmental sustainability and in ecological transition through the development of electric, connected and shared mobility.
During her 28 years with Renault, she has held many different roles from Head of Future mobility and public affairs to Electric vehicles brand manager and corporate communication manager.

Her focus is on innovations in mobility with a special focus on energy, softwares, circular economy and integrated ecosystems, to support electric, digital and new mobility transition.
Managing public affairs activities and relationships with stakeholders (energy companies, institutions, associations, mobility players).

Her experience in the sectors of communication, marketing, public affairs, stakeholders management, innovation and business development are what makes her unique and her expertise in e-mobility.

She has a master’s in European Public relations and certified from Bocconi university on corporate sustainability.

Andrea Cardinali
General Manager at UNRAE

Andrea is a strong leader with an international background.

He is currently General manager of UNRAE, the association of foreign automotive manufacturers operating in Italy, which gathers 47 companies and 63 brands from car, van, truck and bus sectors, representing an industry with 160,000 employees and 53 billion in Euros.

He was born in Perugia in 1964. An engineer with humanistic studies, he graduated from ‘La Sapienza’ university and specialized in various institutions, including the IMD of Lausanne.

He began his professional career in infrastructure construction and arrived in the automotive sector in 1997 when he joined GE Capital Fleet Services, where he held roles of increasing responsibility.

Subsequently: Hertz Rent-A-Car, in Italy as Fleet Director and in Europe as VP, Procurement’ Supply Chain, then CEO of ING Car Lease Italia and finally – with the acquisition by the BMW Group – President and CEO of Alphabet Italia.

UNRAE’s activities span within a wide range: Institutional and Media Relationships at all levels, Study & Research in the automotive sector, in cooperation with major think tanks and academic bodies, value added IT services of many kinds provided to associate members and third parties.

Andrea, is responsible for all the activities carried out by the Association, and reports to a Board which is elected by the General Assembly under a fixed end term mandate.

Simona Rossano
Head of People Care Services and Mobility Manager of Leonardo Global Solutions

Simona is currently the Head of People Care Services and Mobility Manager at Leonardo Global Solutions.

Simona is versatile and dynamic, in over 20 years of professional experience. She is an expert in in the fields of Communication, Sustainability and Business Development.

Working since 2004 in the field of executive consultancy on sustainability issues, she has gained consolidated experience in the field of sustainability reporting in line with the Global Reporting Initiative’s international Standards, stakeholder engagement, sustainability planning, mobility management, quality management and optimization of processes, developing and coordinating a workgroup in the execution of a project.

Prior to Leonardo she was a Sustainability Senior Consultant for Ernst and Young. Some of her clients included, Intesa Sanpaolo, Wind Tre, Engie, Banca d’Italia, Eni, etc.

Simona was a certified teacher on GRI (Global Reporting Initiative an international sustainability standards organization that helps businesses and other organizations take responsibility for their impacts.)

What motivates her is new goals and new projects.


Conference Venue: Hotel Savoy
Address: Via Ludovisi, 15, 00187 Rome

Wednesday, October 18th, 2023

Check-in: 6.30 pm
The conference starts at 7.00 pm sharp

After the workshop, everyone is welcome to join the networking aperitif on the terrace of the Hotel Savoy.


    Conference + Aperitif Networking

PWA members: Free

Guests fee: 30 Euro

Kindly note that space is limited and participation is by prepayment only.

Pay now through Bank Transfer (preferred paying method) and send the payment confirmation to

PWA – Professional Women’s Association IBAN: IT51B 02008 05172 000101928188 BIC SWIFT: UNCRITM1B62

pay here

        (please add 1€ covering part of the processing fee)

Registration is required.