PWA Conference – “Leadership lessons and life changers”

Sina Bernini Bristol Autograph Collection
Piazza Barberini  23, Rome
Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024 at 6.30 PM

“Leadership lessons and life changers”

Developing you to design your tomorrow

PWA presents a series conference during the year on topics supporting and educating women professionally. PWA provides a “friendly forum” for women who want to expand their world for personal and professional growth.

What makes a good leader can be difficult to pinpoint. Leadership skills are vital for a range of roles including CEOs, directors, managers, supervisors and trainers, however, many people can go through their entire careers without learning key leadership lessons.

Leadership is not without its pitfalls, and mistakes are an inevitable part of the journey towards growth and success. However, what sets great leaders apart is not their ability to avoid mistakes altogether but their resilience and capacity to learn from them. Our leadership panel will share how can we benefit from these mistakes in making us a better more effective leader.

This gathering promises to offer invaluable insights tailored to enhance your leadership capabilities, regardless of your role within the organization. As we navigate the complexities of leadership together, remember that mistakes are an integral part of your growth and success. So I hope you can join us for this chance to learn and grow!

If you are a PWA Member, we encourage you to attend this special occasion to host the annual General Assembly and Special Election. This is your opportunity to contribute to important decisions and approve our Annual & Financial Reports 2023-2024.

During the General Assembly, don’t miss the chance to participate in the “Face Your Future Photoshoot”, where each PWA member can obtain a professional bio photo, perfectly complementing their skills and expertise with a professional photographer.


Convening the PWA General Assembly & Election 2024
Opening Speech: Gerlie Saura, President PWA
Moderator: Ida Sirolli – Board Member PWA and
Head of Internal Communication at TIM

Conference with the panel of experts
Germana Di Domenico
Director at Ministry of Economy and Finance, European Financial Relations

Emiliano Maria Cappuccitti,
International Leader in Human Resource

Daniela Cataldo,
Experienced Leader in Luxury and
Luxury Lifestyle Hospitality

Gabrielle Kluck,
Director, Ombudsman and Mediation Services,
United Nations World Food Programme

Please find the speaker’s information along with the registration link below.

About our speakers

Germana Di Domenico, Director at Ministry of Economy and Finance, European Financial Relations

 Germana has a Degree cum laude in Economics, PhD in Public Management.

She served as Policy Officer in the DG Employment and Social Affairs of the European Commission and she currently holds the position of head of the Italian delegation to the Economic Policy Committee in Brussels.

Her extensive research portfolio covers the strategies, policies and structural reforms aimed at promoting sustainable growth and jobs, including initiatives adopted by different Countries to face the gender gap and ensure a more equitable society.

She has had articles published on subjects such as:

Emiliano Maria Cappuccitti, International Leader in Human Resource

Emiliano is an expert in the Human Resource field where he has had vast multicultural experience in companies such as Coca-Cola, Vodafone, Fiat, Birra Peroni/SAB Miller and other multinational companies.

He graduated in Economics and Business and enriched his education by attending the HR Excellence Program at the IMD Business School in Lausanne.

Currently he is Executive Scientific Contact for Managerial Development Programme at Luiss Business School in Rome.


Daniela Cataldo, Experienced Leader in Luxury and Luxury Lifestyle Hospitality

After having spent 17 years in the USA covering leadership roles in both Sales and Operations, Daniela recently opened, as General Manager, The Rome EDITION, the Brand’s first Italian property, bringing with her an enviable international experience and a robust skill set in luxury and luxury-lifestyle hospitality.

The teams at The New York EDITION, The St. Regis New York, The St. Regis San Francisco, and the SLS Beverly Hills are amongst those that contributed to enriching her professional journey; however, before stepping into the international arena, what shaped the foundation of her career was the experience at her family-owned hotel and restaurant in the Island of Capri – a journey that, as Daniela always proudly says, defined the leader that she has become.



Gabrielle Kluck, Director, Ombudsman and Mediation Services, United Nations World Food Programme

Gabrielle is Director, Ombudsman and Mediation Services, United Nations World Food Programme.

Specialties: Organizational ombudsperson; managing Informal Internal Justice; providing alternative dispute resolution, Restorative Justice, conflict mediation, and coaching for personal and organizational change.
Diversity & inclusion; ethics and integrity; management of change; gender mainstreaming and equality; intrapreneur; pioneer; speaker on leadership and change.

Register Here

Conference Venue: Sini Bernini Bristol
Address:  Piazza Barberini 23, Rome 

 Wednesday, May 22nd  2024


    Conference + Aperitif Networking

PWA Members: Free
PWA Guests : 30 euros

The conference starts at 6.30 – 9.00 pm

Kindly note that space is limited and participation is by prepayment only.

Pay now through Bank Transfer (preferred paying method) and send the payment confirmation to

PWA – Professional Women’s Association IBAN: IT51B 02008 05172 000101928188 BIC SWIFT: UNCRITM1B62

pay here

        (please add 1€ covering part of the processing fee)