PWA Conference – “Investing in your Future”

Sina Bernini Bristol Autograph Collection
Piazza Barberini  23, Rome
Wednesday, April 24th, 2024 at 6.30 PM


“Investing in your Future”

Finding  empowerment on the road to financial independence

In a contemporary society, women’s economic empowerment is crucial for achieving gender equality and sustainable development.   Effective financial planning tailored to the needs and aspirations of women can play a pivotal role in addressing these disparities, enabling women to achieve economic independence, security, and fulfill their life goals.

In order to build financial independence and wealth, it’s important to start investing, budgeting, saving and planning for retirement but how do we start? Which investments should we look at?

We will discuss about prioritizing Retirement Funds; tapping into the power of compound interest; risk-taking with calculated measures and leveraging technology for financial literacy.


Conference Agenda
Opening Speech: Gerlie Saura, President PWA

Panel of experts presentations and discussions  

Eric van Craaikamp, Group Manager and Private Banker – SANPAOLO INVEST – FIDEURAM

Ilaria Iacopini,Wealth Manager Bank for Entrepreneurs Deutsche Bank Italia

Moderator: Catherine Tondelli, VP & Program Director PWA

Please find the speaker’s information along with the registration link below.


Eric van Craaikamp

Eric is Dutch by birth but has been living in Italy since 1992.  He speaks 4 languages which allows a multi-national client base.

Eric has been a leader in the financial consultancy working with national and international banking institutions since 2005.
Eric is currently a Wealth Advisor at Fideuram Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking where he works exclusively by appointment to dedicate to his clients all the time necessary to understand their economic and financial needs.   Together they agree on the most suitable solution, monitoring it over time.

Eric constantly analyzes the needs of his clients and translate them into financial solutions that are most beneficial to them.

He gives advice in Investments, Asset Allocation, Pension Funds, Tax Issues, Lending, Inheritance and Wealth Protection.  He has been a guest speaker at international financial conferences.

Ilaria Iacopini

Ilaria guides high-net-worth individuals and institutional clients in managing and growing their wealth.
She is responsible for developing and  personalizing financial plans, managing investments, portfolios and providing guidance on tax strategies, risk management and estate planning.

She has extensive experience in market analysis and a deep understanding of her clients’ goals, her financial advice helps her clients to optimize their wealth growth and achieve long-term financial success.

Before joining Deutsche as a wealth manager for 6 years at Cordusio Sim and 14 years  in Private banking at Unicredit.

Register Here

Conference Venue: Sini Bernini Bristol
Address:  Piazza Barberini 23, Rome 

 Wednesday, April 24th  2024


    Conference + Aperitif Networking

PWA Members: Free
PWA Guests : 30 euros

The conference starts at 6.30 – 8.00 pm

Kindly note that space is limited and participation is by prepayment only.

Pay now through Bank Transfer (preferred paying method) and send the payment confirmation to

PWA – Professional Women’s Association IBAN: IT51B 02008 05172 000101928188 BIC SWIFT: UNCRITM1B62

pay here

        (please add 1€ covering part of the processing fee)