Thursday, February 25, 2021 at 19:30

PWA B.O.L.D PROGRAM – Session Five

B.O.L.D. is our special project focusing on your professional development and career advancement as a professional woman. We will provide you guidance, inspiration, and practical tools that will help you to take the next step toward your ideal development opportunity.
PWA B.O.L.D. Program invites you to the webinar “The Future of work”
During our webinar we will introduce you to the concept of Humanification – how to remain human in a world that is rapidly digitizing. Maybe your job or organization will shortly no longer exist. Because our world is going digital at warp speed.
The keynote Future of Work provides an answer to the question of what jobs look like in the future. What economic and social developments are going to change the workforce? How do you make your organization future-proof?
Watch the Teaser video about this event!
Technologies including robotics, A.I., 3D printing, augmented reality, Internet of Things are already impacting our world more than many people realise. This will have an impact on you, your work and our society. Jobs are disappearing, but new jobs are emerging. These jobs are a bigger focus on our human qualities. We hear a lot of negative messages about automation, but Christian will tell you the positive opportunities for humanity.

Thursday, February 25, 2021 at 19:30
“The Future of Work – Humanification”

The impact of new digital technologies is already changing and will change even more the labor market in the coming years not only because of automation will replace jobs, but also because new types of jobs are being created.
So, how skills that cannot be digitized and automated could be considered in the future?
Soft skills would still have the same value in the new digital technologies world?
In this accelerated digital world, what are the upcoming trends in your industry?
What are your opportunities?
And how are you able to excel?
This PWA B.O.L.D. webinar will give you key information and tools to better understand the future of work allowing you to find new strategies to advance your career.
Which is the successful skillset you need to develop to stand out in the digital technologies world?
An unique keynote full of insights, answers and inspiration about your future of work. Discover the top skillset needed to stand out in the digital world and step forward in the future job market.

About our speaker:

Much in-demand futurist, visionary, TEDx speaker, and bestselling author Christian Kromme gives lectures, keynotes and inspiration sessions for companies and organisations all around the world. The connecting factor in his work is Humanification.
As a tech-entrepreneur Christian has participated in several successful ‘disruptive’ start-ups. In 2002, Christian founded his own agency that helped organisations to dramatically increase their rate of innovation. The connection between people and technology has always been central in his work. Throughout the years the agency and Christian received several nominations and awards for its innovative vision and human-oriented approach. The prizes he won are the SHELL LiveWIRE Young Business Award, SAN Award, Broos van Erp prize and many others.
In 2014, Christian sold the agency to a multinational and started to focus on his passion, giving inspirational keynotes on disruptive technologies and the impact on human beings and organisations.  Author of “Humanification. Go digital. Stay human” and “Being Present, Christian speaks about the influence of robotics, autonomous cars, internet of things, artificial intelligence and more in many sectors. During his inspiring keynotes, Christian explains how organisations can benefit from the latest technological changes.
Christian is Member of the International Coach Federation, former Board Member of the Georgia Coaches Association (2009 & 2007), and is also Trained in EFT: the Emotional Freedom Technique. Beside writing and speaking Christian holds a position as a board member at the Workforce Institute EMEA, The Human Genome Foundation and other tech startups.
Are you interested to know more?
Are you interested in the future of society/technology/jobs and organisations? Are you intrigued by personal development, consciousness, exponential technologies, biomimicry, digital disruption, swarm organisations… then this course is definitely something for you:
Online Course Future-Proof Your Mindset
This six-week online master-course teaches you in weeks what has taken me more than 15 years to learn. Discover a unique pattern that enables you to develop a Future-Proof mindset and act with confidence in times of extreme uncertainty.

Participation to this session is open to all registered members and guests
Registered participants will receive the necessary ZOOM link to connect right after registration.
Following the session, PARTICIPANTS will be offered a free e-book copy of the bestselling book “Humanification – Go Digital, Stay Human” by Christian Kromme
Check-in commences at 19.15, starts at 19.30 sharp.

Register Here

Thursday, February 25, 2021 at 19:30
“The Future of Work – Humanification”


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