OCTOBER CONFERENCE: The Dream Builder – The Power of Vision

Wednesday, 21st October 2015

color-vision-explained-620x310Do you want to experience more prosperity and balance in your life?Are you pouring your heart and soul into your work and still not getting the results you want? Would you like to increase your success while remaining in complete harmony with your highest values and spiritual beliefs?

If these questions resonate with you, then you are going to love the PWA October conference! By NOT pursuing our dreams, we are actually repressing our creative energy and eventually we begin to experience symptoms. At first, like a feather dusting our cheek, it may feel like a tiny nuisance about our life. But if we don’t do anything about it, the pressure increases until it feels like a nudge, showing up as disorder in our lives. Eventually, if we continue to ignore these signs of distress, in order to really grab our attention, the symptoms multiply – leading to a much more serious problem in many facets of our lives.

About our speaker

Cristiana Durante has long been dedicated to lifelong learning, along with the application of various disciplines and therapies applied throughout both her personal and professional lives. While pursuing her career, she was always aware of the close cristiana-duranteconnection between Body, Mind and Spirit, and her unbridled curiosity led her down a path where she is today.

First graduating from Rome’s La Sapienza University with a liberal arts degree, in the 1980s Cristiana worked as an editor for television and radio. But by the 1990s, she took up studying CranioSacral work and Emotional Release in the USA under Dr. Upledger in an attempt to unveil the truth behind some personal problems she had been experiencing. As a result, she became a practicioner as a CranioSacral therapist working for over 20 years between the U.S./Italy. Throughout, she held a steadfast interest in brain function.

In 2012 she became certified as a DreamBuilder coach at Mary Morrisay’s Life Mastery Institute in Los Angeles. Not only incredibly rewarding, but it was a life-changing experience. Finally, she had discovered a way to integrate her previous experiences as a therapist, with her drive to help others pursue more fulfilling lives.

Cristiana found that by transforming her own limitations into new possibilities by becoming responsible for her own life’s choices, she was literally opened to vast new horizons. Today, Cristiana is the only certified mental coach applying the DreamBuilder system in Italy. Since starting her DreamBuilder business in 2013, she has helped countless people to transform their lives through the discovery of their dreams and the mission of their souls.

Through her DreamBuilder work, Cristiana is wholly committed to making her contribution toward  creating a better world. She firmly believe that for every human being that commits her or himself to change by doing it first and foremost for themselves, many others will follow.

Taking charge of our own wellbeing and learning to shift our consciousness into new, higher states of being can deeply affect our lives and those around us; as well as the environment and the politics of our countries – and the community as a whole.


The Dream Builder The Power Of Vision