OCTOBER CONFERENCE: Educating the Future of African Women

Wednesday, 19st October 2016 at 19.30 Grand Hotel Palace, Rome


Opportunities for African students to study abroad are increasing. Universities worldwide are interested in investing in African students due to their lack of opportunities and funding available on the African continent. There is a growing demographic of Africans studying abroad and it is becoming fashionable to offer some of the brightest minds in Africa an opportunity to study in Europe, America and Asia. Strictly for the privileged few who already excel in their studies.
Yet over 40 million school age children have never stepped into a classroom. Two thirds of these are girls (UNESCO). We are well aware that armed conflict is the biggest threat to education in Africa, as government spending goes in this direction. African universities, grossly overcrowded, are few and far between. Emigration leads to a loss of highly educated people and financial loss to African countries.
So how do we even begin to chisel the monolithic block of access to higher education for African women? Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia sums it up: «The size of your dreams must always exceed your current capacity to achieve them. If your dreams don’t scare you, they are not big enough.»
Gender exclusion is a major contributor to preventing women from university access, as parents inevitably choose to educate the son, not the daughter. Then there is economic and territorial exclusion: What about poverty stricken and rural areas?
Pareto University’s solution to some of the most daunting educational challenges faced in African countries will be presented by its founder and CEO, Prof. Bruno Poggi, who we welcome as guest Speaker on the topic  “Educating the Future”.

photo-from-valerie-baxter Dr. Bruno Poggi  – Prof. Bruno Poggi, Bolognese with  a degree in Pedagogy, is an expert in online communication, market research and opinion polls. Lecturer in Psychology of Communication at Bologna University, his multifaceted experience in diversity ranges from Hebrew culture to homosexual marriage, from drug addiction to micro-crime. His interest in Social psychology issues prompted him in 2010 for the Dipartimento Antidroga della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri to contribute his research «Stili di vita e uso di sostanze» (Lifestyles and use of toxic substances) as part of  the Annual Report on drug abuse to Italian Parliament together with «La percezione della figura del tossicodipendente in Italia» (Perception of the drug addict in Italy).
In 2011 for the Italian Cabinet he contributed to a report on Youth and Employment in Italy, discussed at the EU Summit of Youth & Employment.
In 2013 he founded, together with prof. Rosaria Salerni & Dr. Sergio Vasarri the Accademia Pareto, a totally online higher education platform, going on to design and manage the IT platform of the “Virtual Parliament”.
Since March 2016 he is chair holder of Political Communication at the Faculty of Political Science at UNINT Rome and in June he founded and is currently CEO of  Pareto University Ltd., a virtual university with accredited professors for online degree courses 24/7 recognized by African ministries of Education.


Trendy networking cocktail menù of this month

Tortine rustiche con bietole di campo, pomodoretto e prosciutto di Bassiano
Risotto con funghi d’autunno
Involtini croccanti di cicorietta e patate al curry giallo
Zucca arrostita con i suoi semi croccanti e latte di capra fermentato
Tortini di carote e mandorle







Registration commences 18.30hrs. Conference 19.30hrs to be followed by our trendy networking cocktail.

 Guest price €20
To register for the conference, please fill out the form below


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(Michelle Bassanesi, PWA Treasurer)



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