MARCH CONFERENCE: “CATWALK, Meet the Accademia Costume & Moda”

Wednesday, 21st March 2018 at 19.30 Grand Hotel Palace, Rome

“CATWALK: Meet the Accademia Costume & Moda”

With FURIO FRANCINI, CEO of Accademia Costume & Moda we’ll take a brief look behind the scenes of the complex and competitive world of fashion. What does it take to make a designer successful enough to reach the catwalk?
Discover how fledgling talents are nurtured and prepared with a top class education before new brands can be born and become successful.


About our Speaker: FURIO FRANCINI
After his BA in Business Administration from John Cabot University, Furio begins his career in London as a Junior Credit Analyst, followed by 10 years as an Equity Analyst. He joins Mediobanca, in 2006 where he becomes Head of the Equity Investments Group, identifying Pan-European equity investment opportunities. During this period, Furio is a member of the bank’s Investment Committee and Trading Committee. In 2011, Furio joins the Board of Accademia Costume & Moda and from 1 October 2013 becomes its CEO. Furio with his award winning acumen in investment banking, brings new lymph to the world of fashion, by forging tomorrow’s designers.


How her collection was created, from research and idea generation, to design and finally experimentation and production.


Registration commences 18.30hrs.
Conference starts at 19.30hrs to be followed by our trendy networking cocktail.
Guest price €20
To register for the conference, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page



Polpo, patate, olive nere e salsa prezzemolata

Risotto all’olio extravergine, millepunti di verdure e Parmigiano 24 mesi

Coleslaw con semi zucca e girasole, pita croccante

Burger di salmone, guacamole e insalatina

Cheese cake al bicchiere con frutti esotici

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PWA – Professional Women’s Association
IBAN: IT51B 02008 05172 000101928188


Pay Pal (only adding +3Euros commission)


(Lisa Rosen, PWA Treasurer) 




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