PWA Conference – “Women Leadership & Entrepreneurship”

Sina Bernini Bristol Hotel,
Piazza Barberini 23, Rome, Italy
Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023 at 6.30 PM


Gender equality and empowerment in Italy collide with a backward background, complicated by the effects of the pandemic. In fact, Italy has always had a problem of recognizing women’s skills, creating a lack of growth but also of productivity. Because, in fact, 50% of Italian human capital is kept out of the labor market.

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) s a unique opportunity for the growth of the country and for an economic recovery, thus benefiting future generations.

Although Italy has created new programs and funding to assist women entrepreneurs in creating their own business but is still behind in gender parity and cultural equity and face many barriers.  This conference will focus on addressing these challenges that will help women realize their dreams of starting their own business.   We will also speak about leadership, motivation and trends in new start ups.

We will have 3 experts in innovation, funding, legal assistance and know how to help empower women and help them understand the process necessary to make their dreams a reality.

To celebrate International Women’s Month, PWA will conduct the general assembly & election 2023 and will host a conference in collaboration with EWMD Rome (European Women’s Management Development) and Associazione GammaDonna.

So join us and our experts in a debate on exploring some of the opportunities for women how to become their own boss and understanding how to use the PNRR fund.

Conference Agenda:

PWA General Assembly & Board Election 2023
Opening Remarks: Gerlie Saura, President PWA
Moderator: Catherine Tondelli, Asst. Programming Director PWA


Valentina Parenti ,
Federica Garbolino,
Fulvia Astolfi

Moderated Q&A Session

Please find the speaker’s information along with the registration link below.


Valentina Parenti
Entrepreneur & co-founder GammaDonna

Valentina is a champion for Female entrepreneurs in Italy.

She herself is an entrepreneur a journalist, and  President of Valentina Communication, one of the first PR companies founded in Italy, which prides itself on a strong expertise in highly innovative sectors.

She is President and co-founder of GammaDonna® a non-profit Association supporting and promoting growth of  women  entrepreneurs and  contributing to sustainable and lasting economic development for Italy. It’s  mission is to reduce the gender gap in the socio-economic field. It has been tackling the issue of gender unbalance, while promoting female and young innovative entrepreneurship, for nearly 20 years.

Startupitalia named her among the top 150 women to follow in Italy when it comes to innovation. In 2017 she was appointed Advisory Board Member of Confindustria’s STEAMiamoci, promoting gender diversity in the business world specifically scientific, technological and IT professions, including training and school orientation activities.

She has been promoting and been active in numerous initiatives – such as #NexTo, #DateciVoce, #GiustoMezzo, #TOxD-Torino Città per le Donne. In 2012 she co-founded the interassociative table Yes4To – unique in that it  gathers over 24 associations, representing over 20,000 young entrepreneurs and professionals from the province of Turin.

She worked for several years as Secretariat of the World Finance Association’s (IAFEI).

In 2019 she was nominated to showcase GammaDonna as best practice and innovative business model at the European Parliament in Bruxelles, on the occasion of the international event Women2027.

She’s part of La Carica delle 101 – a non-profit initiative by 101 women created to support Italian startups in their growth – and Business Mentor for Forward Factory, CDP’s accelerator dedicated to Digital Manufacturing.

Federica Garbolino 
Head of Market&Services at Invitalia

Federica has been a huge advocate for helping women become entrepreneurs in Italy for most of her life.

She is responsible for the promotion of Invitalia’s incentives, management of projects and services in the field of open innovation, education, networking, impact analysis and customer care.

She works with the key national innovation players for the development of startups and entrepreneurial culture.

She is in charge of the Fondo Impresa, Donna’s national training program, and secretary of the women’s business committee of the Ministero delle Imprese  “Made in Italy.”

Her degree in psychology has helped her in her roles working in consulting companies, management, business development and CEO.

Her other passions include writing, innovation and technologies. She has authored several essays and articles on digital learning and communication.She authored a novel about female friendship called “Quattro donne e uno sciamano”, or Four Woman and one witch doctor based on her real life experience.
She is an addicted traveller, loves trekking, cuisine, and having good conversation with friends.

Fulvia Astolfi
Founder of Obiettivo Cinque Srl, Lawyer, independent director and Chair/member of control bodies

Fulvia is classified among the top taxes Lawyers in Italy and is a founding partner of the law firm Hogan Lovells in Italy.

She received the “Standout Woman Award 2016” international award as the only professional in Italy, awarded to the Italian Parliament.

Fulvia is also an active member of the ABA (American Bar Association.

She co-founded Obiettivo Cinque Srl, a consultancy firm that advises on sustainability in relation to gender equality, gender budgeting and training, and assists firms working towards a gender equality certification.

She is the President of Equitalia Giustizia Spa, and independent counsellor and member of the council for Checks and Risk and Remuneration for Poste Vita Spa. She is a member of the Board of Statutory Auditors for the companies Med Tech Holding Srl and Autostrade dell’Atlantico Srl, President of the Supervisory Body of Italian firms including Angelini Holding S.p.A. and Maximus Italia Srl.

She is the President of the Rome branch of the international association European Women’s management and Development (EWMD) an international network connecting professionals from all areas: with the spirit of engaging cultures and exchanging ideas.. She also works as a mentor and business angel.

She has received many awards throughout her career, including Leading Individual, Legal 500 EMEA, Chambers Global e Chambers Europe, Professional of the Year for consulting in 2019, Legal community Tax Awards, Lifetime Achievement Award Chambers and Partners Europe Award 2019, Chambers Diversity & Inclusion, Europe 2019, Women in Tax Leaders, International Tax Review, 2017, Standout Women Award 2016.

She is a proud mom of a wonderful daughter and in her free time can be seen rowing down the Tevere in her canoe or walking near the river with her loyal puppy.

Conference Venue: Sina Bernini Bristol
Address: Piazza Barberini, 23, Rome

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023

Check-in: 6.15 pm
The conference starts at 6.30 pm sharp

The Conference is followed by a networking aperitif

RSVP by March 21st, 2023


    Conference + Aperitif Networking

PWA members: Free

Guests fee: 30 Euro

Kindly note that space is limited and participation is by prepayment only.

Pay now through Bank Transfer (preferred paying method) and send the payment confirmation to

PWA – Professional Women’s Association IBAN: IT51B 02008 05172 000101928188 BIC SWIFT: UNCRITM1B62

pay here

        (please add 1€ covering part of the processing fee)

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