Wednesday, 20th March 2019 at 19.30 Grand Hotel Palace, Rome

Innovation: The Ingredients to Success

by Michela Michilli

Stories of Key entrepreneurs and the disruptive ideas that contributed to their worldwide success. Michela Michilli, head of Start up and Open Innovation in Lazio Innova. shares some of the innovative skills and reveals a few secrets behind successful businesses.

Our Speaker

Michela Michilli is Innovation Coach and Startup Expert within Lazio Innova, the agency in Lazio Region for financing and boosting economic development; 10+ years experience in managing European startup and innovation programs connecting accelerators and VCs; providing coaching and mentorship in business modelling, exploring new markets and funding opportunities and supporting team building in the Lazio Region Startup Ecosystem; currently leading an Open Innovation program supporting big Italian industries in Food, Fashion, Mobility and Life Science sectors interested in agile innovation processes.


Registration commences 18.30 Conference starts at 19.30 hrs to be followed by our trendy networking cocktail.

Free participation by members requires registration via our website or to
Guests are kindly requested to RSVP by Friday March 15th via website form and prepay the guest fee for Conference & cocktail buffet.

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