Sunday, 6th March 2016 at 12.00

request the pleasure of your company at our

Rainbow Day

at Le Roof Restaurant, Grand Hotel Ritz, Via D. Chelini 41, Rome

The Rainbow diet – based on the world renowned Mediterranean diet – will be the focus of our
Special event to celebrate IWD/Festa della Donna – Rainbow Day.  At Le Roof Restaurant our partner, Executive Chef Gaetano Costa, will demonstrate how ingredients are prepared and explain the cultural and anthropological aspects of the Rainbow diet together with its beneficial effects in order to avoid serious consequences on our health. And to follow, a colourful Rainbow lunch will be served. This event, with the patronage of Associazione Beatrice ONLUS is also sponsored by Il Molino, producer of organic olive oil.

pinzimonio di ortaggi
focaccia ai peperoni al forno
zucchine marinate all’agro con alici
cernia in carpione al timo
carote all’olio ,sale e cedro
pani e grissini fatti in casa
insalata di riso nero al sedano croccante melanzane appassite e basilico
tabouleh al pomodoro, cetriolo e menta
insalata di riso , con mais, tonno , pomodoro e zucchine
la frutta tagliata e di agrumi
caffe’ e petits fours
            vino bianco :         orvieto classico superiore
    vino rosso:         castello di corbara
acqua e caffe’

RSVP by March 2nd by filling the form below.

Please specify dietary requirements (eg. gluten free, lactose intolerance, etc.) in “your message” field.


Members and Guests €35


(Michelle Bassanesi – PWA Treasurer)



PWA – Professional Women’s Association
IBAN: IT51B 02008 05172 000101928188

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