Professional Women’s Association – Face Your Future

Our project

In March 2023 PWA launched a special project, Face your Future, aimed at providing our members and friends with a professionally taken photograph.
We all know how much effort we put into building our career and into acquiring all the hard and soft skills we need to progress in our profession. While we are working so hard, we sometimes forget to take care of our image, too.
Face Your Future is meant to give each PWA member the opportunity to have a professional bio photo, matching their skills with professionally taken photographs.

Our first results

The photographs taken in March 2023 are just the first session of this project. Click on each to have their full resolution.
The aim is to provide further occasions to PWA’s members to participate.
Come get to know us, become a part of our professional community and have your photograph taken!

Our photographer

PWA Rome chose Fabrizio Vinti thanks to his own project, “Women of character” (original: “Donne di carattere”). This is a collection of portraits Fabrizio made for women entrepreneurs and professionals over the past three years. What was supposed to be a “simple” shooting has always turned into a profound analysis of the person.

Photographing also PWA’s professional women seemed a natural choice.

Fabrizio Vinti reserved a 20% discount for PWA members that choose to have an in-studio photography session.

Contact him directly here

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