Brand Identity “Under Construction” Workshop

Brand Identity “Under Construction” Workshop

Talent Garden Ostiense, Rome – February 21st, 2020 @18:30


Are you thinking about creating your brand identity strategy?

Would you like to learn and try some  creative tools to help you through the process? 

Would you like to participate to a co-creative workshop where you will learn by doing? 

If your answer is affirmative to at least one of the questions, then the workshop Brand Identity “Under Construction” masterminded by PWA Special Projects Director, Angela Carfa and directed by two highly specialised professionals in the field, Paola Santoro and Tiziana Barone, is the solution for you!

Brand identity is the unique combination of symbols, icons and style and it is the key element of distinction from competitors. Nowadays having a distinctive brand is essential to keep up with emerging market needs. 
Brand Identity “Under Construction” is a co-creative Workshop: a great opportunity for junior or experienced professionals, entrepreneurs, consultants, as well as anyone interested in finding out more about the meaning of brand identity.
This interactive workshop will enable participants to follow a new creative approach, to explore and define the components of their own Brand Identity through simulations and examples. Participants will learn the relevant skills and methodologies and how to use the appropriate tools to “build” a unique, personal and distinctive brand.

Topics covered during the workshop

With Paola Santoro, LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® certified facilitator, participants will learn to identify their limit and potential. Self-consciousness is prior to beginning to create a brand identity and a branding strategy. Learning by doing through the use of LEGO® bricks and other design thinking tools allow to expertise directly the topic.
With Tiziana Barone, semiotics and brand manager, participants will be told how to create an effective storytelling and how communicate it effectively. Students will start from understanding the values that characterise a certain professional path, will build their storytelling and identify the channels, contents, logo, images and social media most appropriate for their specific case.

About the trainers

Paola Santoro
Corporate trainer, University Professor, Design Thinker, Mentor and Facilitator certified LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®

She plans experiential trainings on innovation and managerial trainings for the acquisition of digital skills, with specific focus on Business Model and Value Proposition Design, Open Innovation, Digital Transformation, Teamworking and Leadership.
In her labs students “play seriously” by combining cognitive tools and inclusive design tools.



Tiziana Barone Marketing research and semiotician (cultural insight, innovation, trend-analysis) 

She deals with Brand analysis and Cultural insight, both through academic research which she currently carries out in Sapienza and through business consultancy integrating semiotics with market research and the business model journey under the innovative perspective of semioproject and gamification.
To date she carries out activities for some companies and artists. She conducted trainings for Unicredit, Confcommercio, Sicindustria, communication companies and companies in the Roman area.
She received her Ph.D. in Communication, Research and Innovation at Sapienza University with an innovative study on the effective communication of the brand identity of commercial and cultural exhibition spaces. She is the author of various scientific publications.

Main takeaways from the workshop

At the end participants will be familiar with several creative tools and the awareness of the process needed to create and communicate a brand identity strategy.
When/Where: 21st February 2020/Talent Garden Ostiense (Roma)
DURATION: 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Registration starts at 6:00 pm – Punctuality is kindly requested!
Language: Italian
Contribution:  25 € for PWA members and 30 € for guests
To register participants are requested to fill-out the form and make the payment. Due to the limited number of places available, the payment shall be placed upon confirmation email from our Special Projects Director, Angela Carfa. Only 20 places are available.

Update @18/02/2020:

All places are SOLD OUT. For future initiatives please follow our website or write to our Special Projects Director.

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