PWA Conference – “Art of Negotiation”

Campidoglio, Roma
Sala Calcagni
via Tempio di Giove n.3, 00186 Roma RM
Wednesday, November 15th, 2023 at 6.00 PM

The Art of Negotiation

Strategies for women who want to narrow the gender gap in negotiation

A special initiative to End Violence against Women & Girls! We’ll equip you with strategies to bridge the gender gap in negotiations. What steps will you take to enhance your negotiation skills?  Men and women communicate and negotiate differently. Studies conducted under the aegis of the United Nations have shown that the inclusion of women in the negotiation process not only entails a higher probability of reaching an agreement, but also reflects on the sustainability and on the duration of the agreements thus reached.

The benefits of including women in peace processes comprise qualitative consensus building and broader social acceptance as well as widening the positive effects through incorporating diverse perspectives. Despite the progress made over the past two decades, the involvement of women in negotiations offers room for further growth.

Even in the business environment world of work, gender differences are becoming an increasingly important aspect to consider in managing relationships and crises.

Conference Agenda
Opening Speech: Gerlie Saura, President PWA

Dott. Francesco Carpano, Consigliere Capitolino, Gruppo Lista Civica Calenda Sindaco

 Dott.ssa Flavia De Gregorio, Consigliera Capitolina, Presidente del Gruppo Capitolino Lista Civica Calenda Sindaco

Panel of experts presentations and discussions with:

Elena Palloni and Luisa Sacco, from the Department for European policies of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers’ will discuss the art of negotiation with different counterparts.

Roberto Pirozzi, Managing Partner Pirozzilex – a law firm specializing in alternative dispute resolution.  Arbitra International and adjunct Professor of American Business law at American University of Rome.

Moderator: Catherine Tondelli, VP & Program Director PWA

Please find the speaker’s information along with the registration link below.


Elena Palloni

PhD in Political Philosophy and International Relations has an impressive background.  She has had 20 years of experience in a variety of positions in local and central government. Within the Ministry of Defense, she was appointed in many advisory roles in the negotiation field (Labour Unions’ negotiation; international armament cooperation; crisis management/ consensus building in different national or international committees), while pursuing her interest in the matter, both at academic and practitioner level, in particular in relation to UN Resolution 1325 on “Women, Peace and Security” and “Cross Cultural Competences” and has recently published an essay together with Luisa Sacco on “Negoziare al femminile” (Women in Negotiation) in the book “Comunicazione e Negoziato negli anni ‘20”.

She believes that “the art of negotiation” is key to sustainable peace, but also in everyday life. She feels a good negotiator must be a keen observer, an attentive listener, and a persuasive speaker

She is currently working at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, while serving also as a “Reserve” Navy Officer in the Marina Militare.


Roberto Pirozzi

Roberto is managing director of Pirozzilex a a law firm specializing in alternative dispute resolution.
He is a lawyer specialized in domestic and international litigation, arbitration, and antitrust related matters as well as international commercial contracts law. He has expertise in alternative dispute resolution, with an emphasis on negotiation. He has given negotiation courses to a variety of different audiences, ranging from big corporations to students.

Roberto practiced for several years in Italy and in New York with some leading law firms and the Institute for International Commercial Law.
In 2003, he graduated summa cum laude from the Law School of LUMSA, University of Rome; in 2005, he earned a Master of Laws in Antitrust and Administrative Law from LUMSA, University of Rome, and in 2010 he earned a LL.M. in International Commercial Law and Arbitration from Pace Law School, New York.

Roberto is a member of the bar of Rome (since 2008) and of the bar of New York (since 2011) and is also a member of IBA and CCIIST (Italian Chamber of Commerce in Turkey).

He is also an Adjunct Professor of Negotiation and of International Business Law at LUMSA and at The American University of Rome.
Roberto is on the list of attorneys recommended by the Embassy of the United States of America in Italy.


Luisa Sacco

Luisa is Officer of the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy. Since 2012, she has been seconded at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers where she has been serving at the Department for European Policies. Her experience in negotiation involves the inter-ministerial coordination on the Unified Patent Court Agreement and the creation of unitary patent protection, and other activities mainly related to industrial and health EU policies (recent negotiations have included the EU Digital Covid Certificate regulation, the revision of the Tobacco Products Directive, and the reform of the EU pharmaceutical legislation). Over the past 10 years, in her experience as member of the Cabinet of the Minister for European Affairs, she also provided technical support to the Minister within bilateral relations with other Member States, including the follow-up of important bilateral agreements (French-Italian “Quirinal Treaty”, Italo-German Action Plan, post-Brexit agreements).

She is a member of the Inter-ministerial Committee on Human Rights of Italy’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI), where she deals, among other things, with activities relating to UN Resolution 1325 on “Women, Peace and Security” and the process of the Universal Periodic Review. In her past experience as head of the International Relations Service of a governmental agency, she followed policy-making activities in support of SMEs within the framework of the OECD “Bologna Process.

She has recently published an essay together with Elena Palloni on “Negoziare al femminile” (Women in Negotiation) in the book “Comunicazione e Negoziato negli anni ‘20”.


Flavia De Gregorio

Born in Rome, President of the Capitoline group Lista Civica Calenda Sindaco, Flavia is Vice president of the Capitoline Commission for Equal Opportunities and member of the Capitoline Commissions for Social Policies and Health; Control, Guarantee and Transparency; School and Tourism, Fashion and International Relations.

She is convinced that politics should be constructive and not destructive.




Francesco Carpano

Born in Brussels, Capitoline Councilor of the Capitoline group Lista Civica Calenda Sindaco, Francesco is Vice president of the Capitoline Commission for PNRR and member of the Capitoline Environment, Mobility and Commerce Commissions.

Register Here


Conference Venue: Campidoglio, Sala Calcagni
Address: via Tempio di Giove n.3

 Wednesday, November 15th, 2023

Pre-conference networking for those who want to arrive early @ 6.00 pm
The conference starts at 6.00 – 8.00 pm

PWA Members: Free
PWA Guests & Students: Free

Kindly note that space is limited.
Only registered participants will be accepted.