Editor’s Note: Luisa Lopez – February 2021
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How to provoke an eruption of vitality from the abysses of routine? The facilitator asked us to take a piece of paper from the table and write what Creativity was for us. One minute to do the exercise. Time passed quickly… 59, 58, 57…seconds… Assailed by uncertainty and mentally clinging to the handrail of habit, I continued to elaborate obvious definitions. I could not reverse the gravity of my thoughts and make the quality jump that could let me fly lightly… tick tock… time was running out… In the last few seconds, I scribbled simple, banal, obvious words, praying that he wouldn’t ask to read the assignment.
Opening your gaze to the new will do incredibly good to your self-esteem: it will make you more creative, enlightened, and innovative. Begin to appreciate the wonders you usually take for granted. As the poet Jack Gilbert wrote: “To see the stars we must unlearn the constellations.” and anything can happen… life has more imagination than us.
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