Ramp up your resilience!

Dear members and friends,

With this month’s letter, I thought to reflect with you on the concept of resilience, having suffered a serious accident and having recovered from it just in the last weeks. It is important for me to react in a moment of physical weakness, which is changing my lifestyle so profoundly.

The ability to bounce back from stress or adversity is important throughout life, especially when we face many transitions, such as health problems; job, income, and living space changes; the loss of loved ones; isolation or separation from friends and partner.

How we adjust to these changes helps determine what life will look like when we move forward. 

There are many ways to increase resilience. Some of those include having a sound support system, maintaining constructive, healthy relationships, having a positive self-image and having a go-getter attitude. 

The good news is that resilience is a skill that can be cultivated and nurtured. I found several studies and methods about how to develop this skill. The most useful to me are, for example, simply talking about the trauma or the big life change, without magnifying it. Then reframing and re-evaluating the event in my mind looking for the bright side of the situation and finding something to be grateful for. 

Finally, I am giving myself some time to heal and adjust after the trauma.

Engaging in these simple steps is helping me heal and become more resilient.

To interpret this concept in business and professions, being a resilient leader means seeing changes as an opportunity for growth and having a calm confidence in our ability to cope. Hence the importance of resilience and my willingness to organize a seminar or conference on this topic!

Stay tuned …..

Valentina Ferretti

1 Commento. Nuovo commento

  • Viorica Chitanu
    19 Aprile 2020 11:25

    I love this topic. I find it interesting and fundamental for the personal improvement. Looking forward to the next


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